GBAPS Food Service Department
The Food Service Department provides meals through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Child Nutrition Programs to the students of the Green Bay Area Public School District each school day.
The work doesn’t end there though - there are 18 programs offering after-school dinner, and throughout the summer we offer lunch in our community parks and meals to students in summer school. On average, 5,000 breakfasts, 12,500 lunches, 1,100 dinners are served daily during the school year, and 6,000 lunches during summer!
Our Director of Food Service
Lynette Kiehnau
1210 Guns Road
Green Bay, WI 54311
Contact Us
Food Service News
The first Friday in May is designated as School Lunch Hero Day to showcase the difference school nutrition professionals make in the lives of every child every day.
Wisconsin Department of Health Services has partnered with the USDA to provide children in school additional funds over the summer months.
The Food Service Department was announced as a bronze-level winner of the USDA's Turnip the Beet for outstanding Summer Meals! Summer meals alleviate food insecurity while positively impacting children's growth and development.