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Food Allergies & Dietary Needs

Food Allergies and Dietary Needs are handled in accordance with the USDA regulations and are described in the Board Policy “760 Rule - Accommodations and Modifications in School Food Service Programs.” To view the policy, please visit BoardDocs and search the policy.

Does your child have a food allergy or food intolerance? We are concerned about these needs! If your child has an food allergy or condition that affects his/her food intake and he/she plans to eat school meals, please print off the "Diet Modification Form" and have it completed by a licensed medical practitioner (a healthcare provider who can prescribe medication) to request substitute foods/beverages. 

If you would like to request a milk substitute only (soy milk or lactose free milk), please complete the "Request for Milk Substitution form" or send a note with the student's name, school, date of birth, and your written request, signed by a parent/guardian. 

Please send the completed "Diet Modification form" or "Request for Milk Substitution form" to your child's School Nurse or Food Service at the Auxiliary Service Building (1210 Guns Rd, Green Bay, WI 54311) or fax to (920) 391-2580.

Within 2 weeks of receiving the completed form, a parent/guardian will be contacted and informed if meal & beverage substitutions will be provided. It is the responsibility of the household to provide appropriate foods/beverages until informed otherwise. 

Parents and students can use NutriSlice to see what's on the menu, and get nutritional and allergy information on the foods available. For companies with products that state “manufactured in a facility that also processes peanuts/tree nuts”, Food Service requests documentation outlining the cleaning and sanitizing process on manufacturing lines. Products that do not list peanuts or tree nuts as an ingredient but are processed in a peanut/tree nut facility can be identified in NutriSlice using the icon with the highlight feature. 

FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education) provides peanut allergy details.

Diet Modification Forms






Request for Milk Substitution Forms





Check Out Our Menus on NutriSlice!

NutriSlice is an innovative method for families to interact with the school meal menu. Parents and students can see what's on the menu, and get nutritional and allergy information on the foods available. Be sure to download the app (information within each menu for the App Store and Google Play!) More information about NutriSlice is available on our Menu & Meal Prices page.

A reimbursable school lunch is required to offer students five components, which are meat/meat alternate, grain, fruit, vegetable, and milk. However, a student is only required to select three of these components to have a reimbursable meal at our district through a process called Offer Versus Serve. A reimbursable breakfast includes grains, fruit, and milk; students may be allowed to turn down some items, depending on the menu. Students with dietary restrictions that are not supported by a signed medical statement may be able to select a reimbursable meal that meets their needs with thorough communication with the food service staff and use of the NutriSlice application.

While falling outside of the required responsibilities of this meal program, our Food Service Department does use nutrient analysis software to provide a nutritional profile, including carbohydrates, of the planned menus. If relying on this analysis for carbohydrate counting and/or other special dietary needs (allergens), please be aware of the following considerations:

  • The allergen details will only be as accurate as the ingredient, recipe, and portion size entered into the software, based on data from the manufacturer or vendor. 
  • Any new or newly formulated ingredients, changes in recipes, or changes in planned portion sizes may change the original analysis (and nutritional and/or allergen information).
  • Allergen details will be provided for the planned menu item and in the planned portion size that have been entered into the software. If the student is allowed to select a smaller portion size of an item or self-serve a variable portion size, the nutritional data would be compromised.
  • Nutrient analyses can only allow for the planned portion size and is not able to compensate for the amount actually consumed.
  • The various condiments that may be offered are not included with the analysis of a specific menu item. Use the list on the bottom of the NutriSlice application to review details for condiments.
  • There are times when last minute substitutions or menu changes occur, and these may not be reflected in the daily or weekly nutrient analysis provided. Also, Food Service may not receive ample warning that a substitution will be required based on supply from our distributors or vendors.